So. It's been a bit longer than a quarter.

This post was mirrored from Cohost.

Our last quarterly review was a snapshot of a moment of great pain, physically and emotionally, rather than an assessment of the quarter as a whole.

During that time, things have been calmer, but there was still a lot of recovering to do.


We are doing a bit better socially than I think we were; we've joined in with more friends streams and the like, and been in more friend's Discords. We recharged a lot from seeing a friend.

Still having trouble with actually being the one to initiate one-to-one chats though, we're still more comfortable throwing things out into the void (including this) and seeing what sticks.

VR still being at unsociable hours means we're not always too talkative there, either - and also is pretty susceptible to us not getting enough sleep.

Still not being as daring with our appearance as we'd hoped - but conservative household in not a great area, you do what you can.


Right now, I'm just focused on Vancoufur and Furality.

Given the number of friends going, BLFC would be nice at some point, but there's a decent chance the family issue that affected this year could be an issue next year as well, so not getting our hopes up (...also not sure if we'll have the annual leave left over for it)

Confuzzled is the main con we'd want to fursuit at, but that's what caused the problem this year - which then had knock on effects with limited ability to recover with Furality being the weekend afterwards. For next year at least, we'll leave it. Maybe we'll return in 2026.

Vancoufur is going to be interesting. It will be our first time travelling outside of Europe, and it's fair to say we're anxious about it; certainly enough to get sucked into rabbit holes about watching gear videos. Which brings us on to

Executive function

We've been struggling with this for a bit. Messes that we've not fully cleaned up. Projects started and not followed through because we started another project. We probably do need to more seriously think about seeking an ADHD diagnosis, because it is impacting more than it feels like it used to.

It hasn't been all bad.
We finally bought a new mattress, a task that had been looming since the new year.
We've started writing tasks out on index cards at the beginning of most days, and that's been useful for some sense of keeping ourselves on track. [1].
There have been some projects we've just powered through, from upgrading the hardware in our desktop to creating avatars for a theme month.

But it is also fair to say there's a few cases where our attention hasn't been directed the most effectively - we started doing Archipelago runs with others, and while that's been good socially to play together, it does mean that we've spent a lot of time overplanning.

This next quarter

There's a few articles in the works, including another one I'd like to post before Cohost goes read only; inspired by a friend and I don't know where they're publicly going after Cohost goes.

Need to do all the things for VF we haven't yet.

And once those are done the focus needs to be on organization and possibly asset tagging; it's nice to know that our old Zune is in a close by drawer, but it is not something we need with that sort of immediacy.

Next year's theme

I still feel like friends have done a lot more living than we have. I do not know how to fix this problem, but I want to spend at least some of next year trying new things, and revisiting places that only currently exist as hazy memories.

And so, unless something changes, next year will be The Year of New Adventures.


  1. The pack we got is very, very flimsy though, need to find thicker card stock once we work through these. ↩︎