null patch

Hello, and welcome to Null Patch. If you’re viewing this site, it can only mean one of three things:

  1. You got linked here from one of our posts on another site.
  2. You saw it in our username on a site using domain names as usernames.
  3. You’ve seen this in our email address on a CV if we’ve been brave enough to swap it out.

This site is our little home away from other places for things that can’t necessarily go there.
For more information on who we are and what this blog is, visit the about section.

recent posts



2024-09-21 - I Hope We All Make It - One Path into the Tech Industry

Dropping down a ladder. Or at least attempting to.

2024-09-12 - Vision, Professional?

So… we bought a Vision Pro.


2024-08-26 - Depths of Obsidian

Tales from the vault.


2024-07-04 - Xenia's eXtended Reality - VR and Linux

Detailing our experiences after a few weeks trying to use VR on Linux rather than on Windows.


2024-05-05 - Version Control and You(nity)

Getting started with version control… with probably a bit too much of the theory.

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