


2023-10-30 - What's in a Logo?

Musings on shared logo design.


2023-11-06 - First Steps - Uploading to VRChat (not on Windows!)

In which 'Red' attempts to explain the Unity basics in a written article - and in doing so, discovers why most people make videos.

2023-11-09 - A New Chapter

So hey, this place is live now.

2023-11-21 - Just a Computer

In which we gush about the openness of the Steam Deck for a bit.


2023-12-09 - First (Dance) Steps - Your VRChat Avatar in Synth Riders

Because if you're going to dance the night away, you've gotta be you.



2024-01-01 - 2024 - New Year, New Theme

Discussion of our yearly theme for 2024, as well as why themes in general.


2024-02-15 - Keep it Really Simple, Silly

On RSS, and its continuing place in our lives.


2024-03-16 - Islands in the Stream

On local music streaming, and the grass not always being greener.

2024-03-30 - Doctor Jekyll and Mx. Eleventy - Part One

Migrating ❤️'s website from Jekyll to Eleventy.


2024-04-18 - Welcome To Our Twisted (Second) Mind

On personal knowledge management, atomicity, notes, and Obsidian.

2024-04-23 - Mini Essay - On "junk food" media and time well spent

Reacting to reaction videos.

2024-04-24 - Mini Essay - Showing Up

One area of our lives with consistency.


2024-05-05 - Version Control and You(nity)

Getting started with version control... with probably a bit too much of the theory.


2024-07-04 - Xenia's eXtended Reality - VR and Linux

Detailing our experiences after a few weeks trying to use VR on Linux rather than on Windows.


2024-08-26 - Depths of Obsidian

Tales from the vault.


2024-09-12 - Vision, Professional?

So... we bought a Vision Pro.

2024-09-15 - Cohost

On the death of a place a lot of critters called home.

2024-09-19 - Quarterly-ish review - Last Call

Assessing what we've done this year so far.

2024-09-21 - I Hope We All Make It - One Path into the Tech Industry

Dropping down a ladder. Or at least attempting to.

2024-09-29 - Now You WebC It, Now You Don't

A foundation for other sites, but probably not for this one.


2024-10-17 - Llandudno

Of rambling and reunions.

2024-10-23 - But You Can't Go Back

On the negative aspect of nostalgia.


2024-11-10 - Fulfilling The Stereotype

Work-in-progress genderqueer creatures with a work-in-progress laptop. (Of course, it's a ThinkPad).


2024-12-05 - Alright Fine, We Give In (Temporarily)

Like every other technical blog, it's time to talk about large language models. (Less positively)

2024-12-18 - Hardware Audit

Taking stock of our array of (active) devices.

2024-12-31 - Annual Review 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025

That was the year that was, and this is the year that might be.



2025-01-04 - (Almost) Everything We Wish We'd Known About Adding an Animation to a VRChat Avatar - Part 1

So, once again, we got nerdsniped!


2025-02-09 - (Almost) Everything We Wish We'd Known About Adding an Animation to a VRChat Avatar - Part 2 - Animator Controllers

A thorough examination of why a lot of tutorials about these end up as videos.

2025-02-13 - Multiworld of Metroids

Or - How I Learned To Stop ('N' Swop) Worrying And Love Banjo-Tooie

2025-02-14 - Cheating Yourself

A small rant about the fundamentals. And calculators.


2025-03-25 - Book Review - A System for Writing

More notes on notes.

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